Step 1: Visit
Open your web browser and navigate to by entering the URL in the address bar.
Step 2: Click 'Sign Up'
Once you're on the homepage, locate the "Sign Up" option in the top right corner of the page and click on it.
Step 3: Enter Your Email Address
In the registration form, you'll be asked to enter your email address. Make sure it's a valid and accessible email address that you can use for account-related notifications.
Step 4: Enter Your Password and Confirm Password
Create a secure password for your account and enter it in the "Password" field. Confirm your password by re-entering it in the "Confirm Password" field.
Step 5: Agree to Terms
Check the box to indicate your agreement with the "Terms of Use," "Privacy Policy," and "Subscription Agreement." Be sure to review these documents if you have any questions about them.
Step 6: Click 'Register'
After entering your email, password, and agreeing to the terms, click the "Register" button. This action will initiate the registration process, and a verification code will be sent to your email.
Step 7: Check Your Email Inbox
While keeping the registration window open, switch to your email client. Check your inbox for a message from If you can't find the email in your inbox, don't forget to search your spam folder, as it might be filtered there.
Step 8: Verify Your Email
Open the email from, which contains a verification code. To verify your email address, copy the verification code from the email.
Step 9: Paste Verification Code
Return to the registration window that you kept open in Step 6. In the appropriate field, paste the verification code that you copied from the email.
Step 10: Click 'Verify'
After pasting the verification code, click the "Verify" button to confirm your email address.
Step 11: Sign In
Following the verification, you'll be prompted to sign in with your newly created account credentials to access
Congratulations! Your account is now successfully created and verified, and you can begin using the platform to start designing and exploring its features.
If you encounter any difficulties during this process or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team for help.